Business & Consumer Database
Databases Available…
▶ Business Database
• New Businesses
over 40,000 per week
• 15 Million Businesses at Location
Triple Verified – 95% Accurate.
One of the most accurate available!
• 7 Million at Home Businesses with Email

▶ Consumer / Homeowner Databases
• New Homeowners
over 60,000 per week
• 270 Million Consumers
• 150 Million Homeowners

▶ Small Businesses Database
• 12.5 Million Businesses

▶ Professional Databases
• 1 Million Doctors
• 800,000 Lawyers
• 4 Million Nurses

▶ 22 Million Executives Database
Mailing Lists Available…
▶ 15 Million Businesses
▶ 245 Million Consumers
▶ Professional Databases
Email Marketing
We offer a total email marketing solution. Our expert email team works with you to develop a customized, well-designed and accurately coded email marketing campaign. The® email campaign management experts are happy to walk you through the process of cleaning your customer emails, creating an email design, linked content, deployment, and campaign analytics and statistics. From subject lines to mobile-friendly/responsive design,® provides an all in one solution for your email marketing needs. Learn more about® Email Marketing Solutions.

Email Cleansing
Email list hygiene will help your brand maintain a positive reputation among consumers, as well as among email hosts. Sending to non-existent addresses or to spam folders is very damaging to your IP reputation. When you damage your IP reputation, deliverability among email hosts decreases.

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